Transform Your Look: Say Goodbye to Cellulite on Thighs and Bum | Celle Skin

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How To Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Bum


Table of Content

Introduction - How To Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Bum
  • What causes cellulite on thighs and bum
  • Can you get rid of cellulite on bottom
6 Top Ways To Combat Thigh and Bum Cellulite That Really Work
  • Best Diet for Cellulite 
  • Exercises to Lose Cellulite on Thighs and Bum   
  • Does Bum Bum Cream Help Cellulite
  • Non Surgical Cellulite Reduction
  • Anti-Cellulite Shapewear
  • Surgical Treatment for Cellulite
  • What is cellulite and why does it occur on the thighs and bum?
  • How important is diet and nutrition when it comes to getting rid of cellulite on the thighs and bum?
  • Is there a recommended skincare routine to follow when trying to get rid of cellulite on the thighs and bum?
  • Are there any medical treatments or procedures that can effectively reduce cellulite on the thighs and bum?
  • Can lifestyle factors such as smoking and stress contribute to the development of cellulite on the thighs and bum?
  • How long does it typically take to see results when trying to get rid of cellulite on the thighs and bum?
  • Can genetics play a role in the development of cellulite on the thighs and bum?
  • Are there any natural remedies or home treatments that can help reduce the appearance of cellulite on the thighs and bum?
  • Can regular massage or other forms of bodywork help to reduce cellulite on the thighs and bum?
  • Are there any specific exercises that can help to reduce cellulite on the thighs and bum?


Introduction - How To Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Bum

Are you worried about cellulite on your skin? Cellulite is totally normal, affecting between 80-90% of women at some point in their lives. And, while we should all work towards loving the bodies we live in, these little lumps and bumps have the power to mess with our confidence and self-esteem. 

Image of female thinking of ways to get rid of cellulite on her thigh and bum

So, what is cellulite? Well, cellulite refers to a puckered or dimpled effect on the skin, usually on the thighs and bum, but it can also occur elsewhere on the body. It’s formed when fatty tissue deep underneath the skin pushes up against your connective tissue.

Cellulite can affect men too; however, women tend to experience it at a much higher rate. Many women want to reduce cellulite on the thighs and butt to improve the appearance of the overall area and feel better in their own skin.

What causes cellulite on thighs and bum
Cellulite appears most commonly on the thighs and bum, as these are the areas which naturally have the most fatty tissue. And, while you can blame your parents all you like, there are several factors which can contribute to the appearance of cellulite, such as age, estrogen in the body, weight gain, loss of collagen, inflammation, family history, poor circulation, and poor lymphatic drainage.

The good news is that cellulite won’t harm your physical health. That said, many women don’t like the appearance of cellulite and want to firm up their skin. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the body. Keep scrolling to find out how.

Can you get rid of cellulite on bottom
Definitely! bum and thigh cellulite can be reduced through a combination of lifestyle changes, exercises, consistent use of anti-cellulite active wears and other treatments. While it may not be possible to completely eliminate cellulite, there are several ways to reduce its appearance and make the skin on the bottom look smoother and firmer. 
Cellulite free bum and thigh on display

Some effective strategies include maintaining a healthy diet, staying hydrated, engaging in regular exercise that targets the glutes and thighs, and using anti-cellulite activewears and lotions.

Additionally, certain medical procedures such as laser therapy, radiofrequency treatment, and subcision may also be effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite on the bottom. For more on this, please see - How to get rid of cellulite on Bum and How to get rid of cellulite on legs for bum and leg specific solutions that have worked for women across the world.

  It is important to note that while these treatments can be effective, results may vary and it is important to speak with a healthcare professional before considering any surgical or invasive procedure.

6 Top Ways To Combat Thigh and Bum Cellulite That Really Work


  • Learn About The Best Diet For Cellulite
  • Cellulite is more common in those who have excess fat, so dietary changes can help keep cellulite in check, combined with a comprehensive exercise routine. While there’s no “quick-fix” diet to immediately remove cellulite, you can try to reduce it over time.

    Reducing cellulite is all about reducing fat, so the best diet for cellulite is to eat a nutritious and balanced array of foods and drink plenty of water. We’re not saying you have to forgo your favourite foods all the time, but sticking mostly to a healthy diet can help to get rid of cellulite on your legs and bum.


    You should also avoid too many saturated fats, carbohydrates, and salt, where possible. Incorporating lean protein, fiber, and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables into your diet can also help to reduce cellulite. 

    Chicken Meal essential for monitoring cellulite growth
    Lean protein sources, such as chicken, fish, and legumes, can help to build and maintain muscle, which can in turn help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Fiber-rich foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables can help to keep you feeling full and reduce cravings for unhealthy snacks, which can contribute to weight gain and cellulite.


    Picture of lean protein meal good for keeping cellulite away

    Antioxidant-rich foods, like berries, leafy greens, and nuts, can help to reduce inflammation and improve skin health, which can also help to minimize the appearance of cellulite.
    Remember, even if your cellulite doesn't completely disappear with dietary changes and exercise, it's okay! You have a handful of options to explore including anti-cellulite wears such as compression shorts and leggings as well as cellulite creams that can help improve the appearance of your skin. Remember, everyone's body is unique, and embracing self-acceptance and body positivity is key.

    Now that you know a lot better, embrace your unique beauty and don't let a little bit of dimpling stop you from enjoying life's pleasures, like a slice of pizza or a decadent dessert. After all, happiness is the best medicine for any insecurities, and a good laugh can make any dimple seem a little less noticeable!

  • Use Targeted Exercises To Lose Cellulite On Your Thighs And Bum
  • You know what other thing works right? Yep, you guessed it, targeted exercise! Not only does it get your blood pumping, but it can also help firm up your skin and make your booty pop! 
    Exercise is a key way to reduce cellulite on your thighs and bum. Keeping active and working out increases your circulation, and helps you grow toned muscles. Key exercises that work to reduce cellulite include moves that target the glutes and thighs, such as squats, jump squats, lunges, and step-ups, which work to strengthen your lower body.


    Lady enjoying cellulite excercise

    It's amazing what a little extra effort can do for your bum. Not only do targeted exercises like squats and lunges help reduce the appearance of cellulite, but with little or no finesse at all nor clinical adjustments, it’s always certain that you’ll see a lot of improvement just from engaging targeted exercises with anti-cellulite activewear. So, get ready to squat, lunge, and say goodbye to those golf ball attacks. 

    You know what's interesting? A lot of people have shared their positive experiences dealing with cellulite while rocking some fabulous activewear that minimizes the appearance of cellulite. Not only do these baddies work while you are actively exercising, they keep doing their magic even when you're not actively exercising or breaking a sweat. 

    Image of ladies stretching at the gym to get rid of cellulite

     It's like getting a double dose of awesomeness for your body. This powerful combo not only helps you strengthen and tone your muscles, but it also works wonders in reducing the appearance of cellulite on your thighs and bum, leaving you with smoother, firmer-looking skin that you'll absolutely adore. So, now that you know the secret, here’s that cellulite busting activewear. Go ahead and give it a try and see for yourself. 

  • Does Bum Bum Cream Help Cellulite
  • Bum Bum Cream is a popular brazilian body shaping beauty product that is known to have firming and tightening effects on the skin, which can help reduce the appearance of cellulite. The cream is formulated with caffeine, guarana extract, and cupuacu butter, which are said to improve circulation and promote a smoother, firmer skin texture.
    Image of brazilian bum bum cream for cellulite treatment

     However, while Bum Bum Cream may help reduce the appearance of cellulite to some extent, it is important to note that to effectively reduce cellulite, a combination of healthy diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes is needed. 

    In summary, Bum Bum Cream may be a helpful addition to a cellulite-reducing skincare routine, but it should not be relied upon as the sole solution. In a number of instances, many have confessed that combining cellulite reduction cream with exercises, a healthy diet and some anti-cellulite active wears helped them achieve results faster. 

    While it is true that I’m not a licensed medical practitioner, we can all agree that in most cases what works for the goose always works for the gander so launch out and get your smooth and clear skin following the combinations that work.


  • Non-Surgical Cellulite Reduction
  • Exercising and active living combined with healthy eating habits have been known to work against cellulite but here’s the part that is interesting - like you, most females dislike exercises and we understand why that is the case especially when you take into consideration a female’s daily work routine, then it becomes glaringly clear why exercises can be discouraging. So, here’s what’s fun and has been working for females like us.

    Image of lady with headset and her phone dancing to some music 

     Dancing! Dancing is a fun form of exercising and can get you results in no time especially when those moves target problem areas. So, If you're tired of the same old exercising routine and you find the exercises boring and tasking, you could spice up your cellulite reduction journey with a dance-off against those stubborn dimples. Just make sure you have one of these cellulite busting active wears on those problem spots while you step to that beat.

    Seriously, put on your favorite upbeat music and boogie your way to a smoother skin. Shake, shimmy, and sashay that cellulite away while having a blast. Remember, the key is to let loose and embrace your inner dancing queen (or king). So, grab your disco ball, invite some friends over if you must, turn up that beat, strike a pose, and show those cellulite patches who's the boss on the dance floor! 

    Alternatively, you could try radiofrequency therapy, laser therapy, vacuum-assisted precise tissue release (VATPR), endermologie as well as dry brushing. Interestingly, dry brushing and adorning my active wears were my favourite of all methods because they worked for me. 

    Dry brushing every night can improve your lymphatic drainage, which may help your body to eliminate toxins. Additionally, there are also countless anti-cellulite creams available, which can be massaged into any problem areas. Creams and gels, particularly when combined with massage, may help to reduce cellulite on the thighs and butt, especially products with caffeine and retinol.

    Yep! Now there’s your little excuse to go shopping. Pick up some anti-cellulite active wears, a few cellulite busting creams and brushes and head back in for a couple cellulite brushing and dance sessions where we deal with that cellulite decisively.


  • Anti-Cellulite Shapewear
  •  Anti-cellulite shapewear is a simple (and low-effort!) way to reduce cellulite on the body. Anti-cellulite shapewear like the Celle Skin Compression Leggings reduces the appearance of cellulite on the body while you wear them (no more avoiding gym mirrors!). But they also continue to work their magic long after you take them off.

     Here’s how they work; these cellulite-reducing shapewear incorporates state-of-the-art compression technology, which can improve circulation, increase skin elasticity, and reduce the appearance of cellulite. In other words; say hello to smoother skin!
    Customers who wear Celle Skin compression clothing for 6 hours a day notice their skin feeling and looking firmer after just 30 days. We also have a range of silky smooth bike shorts, which you can easily wear under your clothes.

    There's more! If you're looking for a cellulite-busting fashion statement, look no further than our fabulous Celle Skin compression clothing line.


    Full anti-cellulite activewear collection on Celle Skin



    Not only will you feel the difference, you'll also turn heads with your sleek and toned appearance. Imagine strutting your stuff with confidence, knowing that you're rocking your favorite outfits while secretly wearing our silky smooth bike shorts or leggings underneath. It's like having a cellulite-fighting superhero cape hidden beneath your everyday attire. So, get ready to be smoothened up one firm and fabulous step at a time, with Celle Skin compression clothing. Who said reducing cellulite couldn't be stylish?

  • Surgical Treatment For Cellulite
  • There are a few surgical treatments for cellulite available, such as liposuction and fat grafting. However, going under the knife can be very expensive and may involve significant discomfort and recovery time.
    Say no to surgical cellulite reduction

    In addition to this, unless you change your other lifestyle factors, such as diet, exercise, and work on improving your body’s lymphatic drainage and circulation, there is always a chance that cellulite will return. Your treatment will ultimately depend on your unique situation and lifestyle, but there are easier, safer, and more affordable options to try before you undergo surgical treatments for cellulite. 

    If you are head long deep into having a surgery to get rid of cellulite on your thigh and bum, then let me recommend checking out this comprehensive article titled "How To Get Rid of Cellulite". It provides a wealth of information on available surgical remedies, including additional non-surgical methods, lifestyle tips, and expert advice on how to effectively tackle cellulite.

    Get ready to equip yourself with all the knowledge you need to say goodbye to those pesky dimples and hello to smoother skin! Simply click here to access the article and embark on your cellulite-busting journey. Happy reading! 

    For a more precise and detailed piece on how to get rid of cellulite within a week, I'd recommend this - How To Reduce Cellulite In A Week. In that piece, I explain my personal cellulite busting journey and describe how I was able to get rid of my cellulite challenge within a week. It is an inspiring and refreshing story you’ll need to see.
    If you're eager to explore more about cellulite reduction and gather expert insights, I highly recommend checking out these valuable resources:
    • Healthline's article titled "How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs" provides a comprehensive guide with practical tips and lifestyle changes to combat cellulite. It covers various treatment options, exercises, and dietary recommendations. Dive into this informative resource here

    • The Cleveland Clinic offers an insightful article on cellulite that delves into its causes, risk factors, and treatment options. Discover a wealth of knowledge regarding this topic by visiting their page here.

    • For a detailed understanding of how to bid farewell to cellulite on your thighs and bums, Doctor Nyla's article titled "How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Bums" is a must-read. It combines expert advice, treatment options, and lifestyle tips to help you achieve smoother skin. Explore the article here.

    • Women's Health Magazine offers a fantastic resource that specifically focuses on getting rid of cellulite on your bum. Their article provides valuable tips, product recommendations, and exercise routines tailored to target this area. Unveil the secrets to a smoother bum by reading the article here.

    • Looking to get moving and tackle cellulite head-on? The article "7 Best Exercises to Reduce Cellulite" by Get Healthy U showcases a selection of effective exercises to target cellulite-prone areas. This resource will guide you through the workouts and help you incorporate them into your fitness routine. Get started with these cellulite-busting exercises by visiting the article here.

    • To supplement your research further, I also recommend watching the informative video titled "Cellulite Reduction: Fact vs. Fiction" on YouTube. This video presents valuable insights and advice on cellulite reduction techniques. You can watch it here.

    Enjoy exploring these resources and arming yourself with valuable knowledge on your cellulite reduction journey!

    We hope these valuable resources have provided you with the knowledge and tools to effectively tackle cellulite and work towards smoother skin. Remember, cellulite reduction is a process that involves making lifestyle changes, incorporating targeted exercises, and potentially exploring treatment options. 

    If you have any further questions or need personalized advice, our team is always here to assist you. Feel free to reach out to us through our contact us page here. We're committed to providing the best anti-cellulite activewear possible to help you along your cellulite elimination journey. Together, let's say goodbye to cellulite and embrace a more confident, vibrant version of yourself. Until we talk soon, cheers!


    Dr. Sean Arendse 
    Co-Author/Technical Reviewer
    A.K.C, B.Sc, (Lon) MBBS (HONS), FACEM
    Dr. Sean On LinkedIn



    What is cellulite and why does it occur on the thighs and bum?
    Cellulite is a condition that affects the appearance of the skin, causing it to appear dimpled or lumpy. It occurs when fat cells push up against the skin and connective tissue, causing the tissue to bulge and creating the appearance of dimples or "orange peel" skin. It is most commonly found on the thighs and bum, but can also appear on the hips, abdomen, and other areas of the body.

    How important is diet and nutrition when it comes to getting rid of cellulite on the thighs and bum?
    Diet and nutrition play a crucial role in reducing the appearance of cellulite on the thighs and bum. Eating a healthy, balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein can help to reduce overall body fat, while also supporting healthy skin and connective tissue. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is also important, as it can help to flush toxins from the body and improve skin health.

    Is there a recommended skincare routine to follow when trying to get rid of cellulite on the thighs and bum?
    While there is no one-size-fits-all skincare routine for getting rid of cellulite, certain products and ingredients may be helpful. For example, caffeine has been shown to help reduce the appearance of cellulite by improving blood flow and reducing inflammation. Products containing retinol and vitamin C can also be helpful in improving skin health and reducing the appearance of cellulite.


    Are there any medical treatments or procedures that can effectively reduce cellulite on the thighs and bum?
    Yes, there are several medical treatments and procedures that can be effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite on the thighs and bum. These include laser therapy, radiofrequency therapy, and ultrasound therapy, which can all help to break down fat cells and improve skin elasticity. In some cases, surgical procedures such as liposuction or a thigh lift may also be recommended.


    Can lifestyle factors such as smoking and stress contribute to the development of cellulite on the thighs and bum?
    Yes, lifestyle factors such as smoking and stress can contribute to the development of cellulite on the thighs and bum. Smoking can damage the skin and connective tissue, while stress can lead to increased levels of cortisol, which can contribute to the development of cellulite.


    How long does it typically take to see results when trying to get rid of cellulite on the thighs and bum?
    The time it takes to see results when trying to get rid of cellulite on the thighs and bum can vary depending on a variety of factors, including diet, exercise, and genetics. Generally, it may take several weeks or even months of consistent effort before noticeable improvements are seen.


    Can genetics play a role in the development of cellulite on the thighs and bum?
    Yes, genetics can play a role in the development of cellulite on the thighs and bum. Some people may be more prone to developing cellulite due to genetic factors, such as the distribution of fat cells in the body and the structure of their skin and connective tissue.


    Are there any natural remedies or home treatments that can help reduce the appearance of cellulite on the thighs and bum?
    Yes, there are several natural remedies and home treatments that can help reduce the appearance of cellulite on the thighs and bum. These include dry brushing, using a coffee scrub, applying essential oils, and eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Regular exercise and staying hydrated can also help to reduce the appearance of cellulite.


    Can regular massage or other forms of bodywork help to reduce cellulite on the thighs and bum?
    Regular massage or other forms of bodywork can help to reduce cellulite on the thighs and bum. Massage helps to increase circulation and lymphatic flow, which can help to break down fat cells and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Other forms of bodywork, such as cupping and fascia release, can also be effective in reducing cellulite. It's important to note that while massage and other forms of bodywork can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite, they may not completely eliminate it. A combination of healthy lifestyle habits and targeted treatments can help to achieve the best results

    Are there any specific exercises that can help to reduce cellulite on the thighs and bum?
    While there is no one exercise that can completely get rid of cellulite, certain exercises can help to tone and firm the muscles in the thighs and bum, which can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Exercises such as squats, lunges, and leg lifts can be effective when combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

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